Why See a Chiropractor? 3 Simple Reasons Explained.
Why see a chiropractor? As experienced, compassionate providers of chiropractic care here in Cambridge, Ontario, we could talk for a good long while about the answer to this question. There are many different things that bring clients to our office — and many benefits they leave with. This is true for new clients, and for those who have trusted us with their wellness care through many chapters in life.
Here are three simple reasons people come — and keep coming — to us for chiropractic care.
1: Chiropractors are great at treating pain - and pain includes a lot.
In the simplest way of looking at it, chiropractic care treats pain. But that’s a broad category, isn’t it? Pain can be chronic (ongoing over a long period of time, like sciatica, fibromyalgia, or migraines) and it can be acute (an immediate and specific experience, usually to an immediate and specific experience such as a car accident). Pain can be generalized (again common with fibromyalgia) or specific (such as nagging lower back pain). It can be strong and debilitating (such as migraines or a ‘thrown out’ back) or dull and persistent and nagging (like an ulcer or a sore shoulder).
But there are also things we don’t think about as ‘pain’ that we really should - anything where the body isn’t working well together and is detracting from your ability to stay present in your life is a variation of pain. Poor sleep is a kind of pain. Dietary issues. Fatigue. Lack of focus. Even poor circulation and feeling cold all the time (something that, here in Cambridge, Ontario, our Canadian climate exacerbates!)
These don’t happen without a cause, and chiropractic care can absolutely help with all of these types of issues, and more.
2: Chiropractors take a holistic look at your body
Many of us are used to seeing medical specialists trained in Western medicine. Now there are many things that Western medicine is great at. Holistic care doesn’t tend to be one of them. Instead, modern medicine is often too focused on looking at one thing at a time — back pain is a back problem, digestive issues are a digestive problem — when in reality, the body cannot actually be divided up into distinct parts (not when we’re trying to problem solve, anyway!) Our systems — digestive, neurological, circulatory, musculoskeletal, and so on — work together in concert with one another.
Chiropractic care has respect for the holistic nature of the body and works with it rather than considering issues through a singular lens.
3: Chiropractors care about your entire well-being
Because chiropractors work with the body, our aim isn’t only to alleviate the specific issue that brought you into our office. It is to help your body return to a place of balance and to function at an optimum level. It’s a bit like the phrase ‘a rising tide lifts all boats’ — if ‘all boats’ are different parts of your body and your life experience. Say you come in with a sore back after a car accident — but you also sit a lot for your job, and you sustained a sport injury in college, and you sometimes get headaches and have trouble sleeping. The car accident kicked off your chiropractic journey, but your body has lived through everything else in this list.
Holistic realignment of your spine helps address the fallout from a lifetime of stressors, helping your body to not just rewind the clock to before your accident - but to actually find the balance it craves, and to thrive.
Mitchell Chiropractic is a community-focused chiropractic practice dedicated to total wellness. We are located in Cambridge, Ontario.