Chiropractor After Cervical Surgery in Cambridge, Ontario

Cervical surgery is performed on the neck’s spinal region that can alleviate pain and neurological symptoms stemming from conditions like spinal stenosis, herniated discs, or trauma-induced injuries. Due to the serious nature of this surgery, there is a need for careful rehabilitation to ensure the best possible outcome. Chiropractic care can play a crucial role following surgery by offering specialized treatments to manage pain, restore alignment, and support the healing process.

Our chiropractic care center in Cambridge, Ontario is dedicated to providing expert chiropractic services for individuals recovering from cervical surgery and will work collaboratively with your medical team to ensure a comprehensive approach to recovery. We understand the unique needs and challenges faced by patients post-surgery, and we are committed to helping you achieve a smooth and comfortable recovery journey.

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Why Call a Chiropractor After Cervical Surgery?

Following your procedure, our team will perform gentle, non-invasive chiropractic adjustments, designed to alleviate pain, enhance mobility, and support your body's natural healing mechanisms.

Pain Management

Cervical surgery can often lead to postoperative pain and discomfort. Our expert team employs gentle techniques that can help alleviate pain without putting additional strain on the surgical site, offering drug-free pain relief options.

Improved Mobility

Surgery and the subsequent healing process can lead to stiffness and reduced mobility in the neck and surrounding areas. Chiropractic adjustments and therapeutic exercises can help restore proper range of motion and flexibility.

Nerve Function

Chiropractic care can help release pressure on nerves that might be affected by surgical changes or compensatory muscle tensions, potentially reducing numbness, tingling, and other neurological symptoms.

Muscular Imbalances

Following surgery, the surrounding muscles may compensate for the changes in your spine's structure. Chiropractic care can help identify and address these imbalances through targeted exercises and adjustments, promoting balanced muscle function.

Reduced Scar Tissue Formation

Surgical procedures can result in scar tissue formation, which may contribute to discomfort and restricted movement. Chiropractors can use manual techniques to help minimize the formation of excessive scar tissue and promote healthier tissue healing.

Chiropractic care has the potential to effectively address many common concerns following cervical surgery, aiding patients in achieving quicker recovery, reduced discomfort, and enhanced long-term results.

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How We Help:

Before starting any treatment, our chiropractors will conduct a thorough assessment of your medical history, surgical procedure, and current spinal health. This information will guide us in creating a tailored chiropractic care plan that suits your needs and supports you on your path to recovery. 

Each of our chiropractic treatments begins with a thorough consultation that includes:

An evaluation of your spine, posture, muscle strength, and reflexes

An x-ray and heat reading scan

A plan for treatment 

We are passionate and energetic about restoring health, and pass that energy on to everyone who trusts us with their chiropractic care. For chiropractic care after cervical surgery in Cambridge, Ontario, Mitchell Chiropractic can offer support in your healing process. Call us at 519-622-1101 to learn more about our treatments or to make an appointment.

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