Muscle pain Treatment in Cambridge, Ontario

Muscle pain is a common complaint we hear from our clients. It hits you where it hurts and can be debilitating. The team at Mitchell Chiropractic can help ease your pain and bring you the long-term comfort you deserve. Whether the pain be in your neck, back or arms, our full line of specialty treatments are aligned to your specific needs, getting you on the road to recovery faster. 


Chiropractic Care for Treating Muscle Pain is Beneficial in Three Ways

Chiropractic Care Works Better Than Muscle Relaxers

Muscle pain and spasms can be the result of a variety of reasons in your body – dehydration, injury, fatigue and misalignment. However, prescription drugs only dull the pain temporarily, whereas chiropractic treatment targets the cause of the pain, and through multiple sessions, eases the tension at the source. These treatments offer long-term relief from the muscle pain that muscle relaxers alone simply cannot offer. For over 30 years, our team in Cambridge has been easing the multiple sources of muscle tension in our clients, giving them their bodies back. 

Treatments Help to Reduce Inflammation

Our variety of treatments not only reduce pain and muscle tension, but also can greatly reduce inflammation. This inflammation is often the source of muscle pain and weakness, and through adjustments and chiropractic therapies, our team will work with you and your body to give you the long-term relief from pain and tension inflammation causes. By reducing inflammation, range of motion, healing and comfort can all increase, allowing your body to work the way you need.  We put our energy into healing you and your body, giving our patients the gift of pain relief.  

We Look at Your Muscle Pain Holistically

Chiropractic care isn’t only for backs! By treating the back and offering a multitude of therapies, our specialty services treat your entire body. Our team gets to know each client, their specific needs and develops a plan of care catered to their unique needs. To treat muscle pain effectively, we look at your whole body and find the points where the pain originated, the cause and the cure. Other treatments only work on one spot, whereas muscle pain is a response from your nerves and your nervous system, a complex and multifaceted system that requires broad treatment and often appears in multiple places. By taking a holistic look, we can design a muscle pain treatment plan that not only addresses immediate symptoms but helps correct underlying issues to restore you to fuller health and comfort over the long term.

Are you seeking muscle pain treatment in Cambridge, Ontario? Mitchell Chiropractic can help you find comfort! Contact us at 519-622-1101 and learn how our treatments can reduce your muscle pain for the long term!

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