Chiropractor NEAR BRANTFORD, Ontario

Your body is integral to how you experience your life. How you relate to your body — and how your body relates to itself — can have a profound impact on your wellbeing day to day, moment to moment.

As a trusted chiropractor near Brantford, Ontario, our mission at Mitchell Chiropractic is to support the health and healing of your body — and your life — through chiropractic care. We have been practicing chiropractic for over 30 years and are honoured to be able to work with clients on their health journeys.


Your spine is, quite literally, the backbone of communication between your brain and your body. The brain sends instructions to the body, the body sends feedback to the brain.

But when tiny tweaks to the spine cause it to shift out of alignment, the communication starts to break down. We call these tweaks interferences because that’s exactly what they do — they interfere with the flow of information between brain and body, and cause pain, discomfort, and other complications as a result.


What causes interferences? Short answer: life.

Spinal misalignment can result from a wide range of factors. Some are profound and immediate: a car accident, a sports injury, a fall. But many are progressive and add up over time: working at a desk all day, working a physical job that is very repetitive, poor posture. And it’s not uncommon for both to be true: a client may come in seeking relief for back pain after a car accident, but our chiropractic treatment ends up addressing chronic headaches that predated the accident.

What is the impact of a misaligned spine? Back pain and headache are two common issues we see in our work as a Brantford, Ontario chiropractor, but there are many more. From sciatica, poor sleep and back pain to migraines, jaw tension and digestive issues. The spine is central to the body’s well-being, so when it’s not happy, the result can impact virtually any body part or system.

The practice of chiropractic care is the practice of helping the body heal itself.

We focus on developing a personalized care plan to restore your spine to alignment, which allows your body and brain to return to optimal communication with each other. When communication is restored, pain can decrease, comfort can return, and improved well-being is made possible.

As a chiropractor near Brantford with over 30 years of experience in practice, we have helped countless clients find relief from pain and a return to a feeling of wholeness and wellness in their bodies.


We start with a detailed analysis of your spine and body systems paired with an in-depth exploration of your experiences — we want to know your body’s story. From there, we develop a roadmap, outlining the course of treatment that makes the most sense for you to get you back into alignment. Finally, we begin your personalized course of chiropractic treatment, which is aimed at alleviating pain and discomfort in the short term, and restoring complete wellness — day to day, moment to moment — in the long term.

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